If you're trying to download the Tobii Experience application via Microsoft Store, you might have come across the following error:
⚠️Something unexpected happened
Reporting this problem will help us understand it better. You can wait a bit and try again or restart your device.
That may help.
Code: 0x803FB005
What could be causing this?
Make sure that you have a compatible device. You will NOT be able to install Tobii Experience if your device is not compatible.
If you have a compatible device and you're getting the mentioned error, you most likely don't have the required driver installed yet. The driver is automatically pushed out to compatible devices via Windows Update so make sure you have installed all the latest ones. If you're not getting the driver from Windows, please visit the manufacturers' website to download the Tobii driver for your device.
Once the driver is installed on your compatible device, please try installing the Tobii Experience application again.
Install Tobii Experience without Microsoft Store
There is a way to install the Tobii Experience app without Microsoft Store. If you attempt this, you do so at your own risk.
Source: https://lazyadmin.nl/it/install-microsoft-store-apps-without-store/
Please make sure you have installed the correct driver first before installing the Tobii Experience app. For Tobii Eye Tracker 5 you can find the driver on gaming.tobii.com. For other devices, visit your manufacturer's website.
1. Open this website. https://store.rg-adguard.net/
2. Copy + paste this URL https://www.microsoft.com/sv-se/p/tobii-experience/9nk75kf67s2n
Switch the right RP to Retail
3. Scroll down and find the latest version of AppxBundle (check the version number)
It should look like this: "TobiiAB.TobiiEyeTrackingPortal_1.xx.xxxx.x_neutral_~_j9ea20k37yd2w.AppxBundle/msixbundle"
Please note that the app version may vary based on what product you are using.
If you are unsure of what version you need, please contact support.
Download appxBundle/msixbundle
4. Download and install the software.
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